Domestic Solar

We are a leading installer of solar electric and photovoltaic (PV) systems in Lincolnshire and the East of England.

Solar electric or PV systems work by converting sunlight into electricity, within the solar panel. PV cells are semiconductor devices that convert sunlight directly into electricity. Direct sun produces the most power, but even on cloudy days some electricity is generated. The electricity produced is direct current (DC) and is sent to an inverter which converts the DC electricity into alternating current (AC) of a quality acceptable to the national grid.

Due to new regulations batteries are no longer installed in the loft. They are normally installed in your garage if available or another suitable location. The AC side is connected via lockable AC isolators to the total generation meter, which monitors every kilowatt-hour (kWH) produced by the system.

All our domestic solar installations come with product and workmanship warranties.

We are MCS, NICEIC and RECC certified installers so you can rest assured that you are in good hand with your Solar PV or battery storage project.

Advantages of Solar

We often get asked why use solar and what are its advantages? Well, here are the 3 main reason:

  • Reduces your electricity bills-helping you save money for the more fun things in life like a family break
  • Earns you money back by selling surplus energy back to the grid- a win win situation really
  • Reduces your carbon footprint- helping build our way to a greener future

Big Benefits!

Produce Green Energy

Solar energy is a renewable energy source. It does not release any harmful carbon dioxide or pollutions. Reducing your carbon footprint!

Make Real Cost Savings

Going solar protects you from the big utility providers and their price increases. You will also receive lower electricity bills.

Join the Solar Community

Almost 1 million UK homeowners have unlocked a new source of income through solar energy.

Warranty Protection

Some solar products have lifetime warranties. They require little or no maintenance. Installation will give you decades of trouble-free solar power.

We are Certified